This 2 day intense class focuses on how the dispatcher can recognize red-flags, officer safety, procedures to follow once an officer has been shot, how to recognize dispatcher stress, compassion fatigue, burn-out and how to cope with it.
Crisis Call Handling
This course focuses on how to handle a crisis call and how to remain calm under pressure. The topics covered in this course are:
- bank robbery
- officer involved shooting
- school shooting
- sniper attack
- severe weather
- workplace violence
- hostage calls
Dispatch Certification
(40 core hours)
This course is designed to give the dispatcher 40 hours of basic dispatch instruction. It is also designed for the new dispatcher with less than one year of experience. This is a national certification course offered through Sue Pivetta of Professional Pride 911 trainers which is based in Seattle, WA.
Stress Management
for Dispatchers
This is a one day course designed to raise dispatch awareness of the hazard affects of stress, how to recognize stress, how to cope with stress, and how to recognize compassion fatigue.
Domestic Violence and
Stress Management
This 2-day course focuses on the effects of domestic violence on the victim and the hazards it creates for responding officers. Other topics are as follows:
Spanish for dispatchers
El curso 8 español para expedidores
This 2-day course is meant to familiarize the dispatcher with basic Spanish, how to recognize the answers and how to ask the WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHERE in Spanish.
Este curso de 2 días se significa para familiarizar el expedidor con el español básico y cómo reconocer las respuestas y cómo preguntar el, que, lo que, cuando, y donde en español.
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